Historical variable rates - Delmarva Power

Historical variable rates - Delmarva Power

Residential historical variable rates

Download or print historical residential rates here.

Delaware market-based rates for small businesses

If your initial Direct Energy Business contract term has expired and you have not yet renewed on a new fixed price contract, we will continue to serve you on our month-to-month market-based price plan, which is a variable price plan without cancellation fees or long-term contracts.*

Small commercial historical variable rates

Since the variable price plan follows market rates, there is no limit on how much your variable price may change from one billing cycle to the next. Here's a snapshot of Delmarva Power's average historical billed rates for the past 24 months.

Download or print historical small commercial rates here.

*Your current Terms & Conditions will govern this service. Please log in (or register) to access all of your account information, including your contract. You may also call 888.925.9115 to request a copy of your Terms & Conditions.

Need help placing an order?
Texas customers: Call us at 1-855-461-1926
Northeast and Midwest customers: Contact us

Questions about your current service?
Texas customers: Call us at 1-888-305-3828
Northeast and Midwest customers: Contact us